Friday, March 18, 2011

3wc - Midget Sarcophagus Blanket

I get to explain why this turned out like this, right?

So basically, my eyes got bigger then my stomach and the dialog I imagined working well on a line-by-line basis read all sorts of crazy when you put them together. I don't think anything is really clear about this, but the three main elements are present, so I think it'll pass as a 3wc.

To spell out the "world" I attempted to create with this challenge, my basic concept was that I've always found Hellboy's villians as being just as interesting as the title character. So much so that I've always been sad to see Mignola kill them off so quickly. That's where I came up with Toht (named after the balding, spectacled Nazi from Raiders of the Lost Arc), who was an evil warrior-king reincarnated a midget. He had been searching the world around for his warrior-queen's remains who he planned to reanimate and then take over the modern world like they had thousands of years ago. The only guy in their way is the cocky American super-spy/hero. I hadn't fleshed much out about him besides he had this Substitution-Harness that switches his body out with whatever was wearing a secondary, linked harness on the point of death. That's why he can't die. The juxtaposition of the hero with decidedly cowardly traits amused me. Again, not at all explained well in the comic.

All in all, kind of a misfire, but I really like some of the ideas demonstrated here. Hopefully I can reuse them more effectively in the near future.